New Mexico High School Rodeo Association &
New Mexico Junior High Rodeo Association
Board of Directors
Executive Board
President – Jamey Shiver
1302 Dinkle Rd.
Stanley, NM 87056
Phone: 505-249-1514
Email: jamey@shiversouthwest.com
Vice President – Marty Mathis
131 Hayden Rd.
Amistad, NM 88410
Phone: 575-914-8402
Email: martymathis1216@yahoo.com
National Director – Russell Sullivan
Box 1666
Peralta, NM 87042
Phone: 505-720-0999
Email: rsullivan76@live.com
Ex-Officio - Brian Cline
HC 66 Box 7
Yeso, NM 88136
Phone: 970.799.0671
HS Rough Stock –
Darrell Triplett
P.O. Box 542
Waterflow, NM 87421
Phone: 505-486-4280
Email: broncdaddy@yahoo.com
JH Rough Stock – Adam Gonzales
12 Buie Court
Edgewood, NM 87015
Phone: 505-385-1594
Email: no2rope@gmail.com
HS Timed Event – Kody Phillips
57 Huckleberry Lane
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Phone: 575-551-8756
Email: blackriver36@yahoo.com
JH Timed Event – Tanner Trujillo
P.O. Box 513
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone: 505-500-7596
Email: lennihartley@hotmail.com
HS Speed Event – Koell Rios
P.O. Box 2790
Moriarty, NM 87035
Phone: 915-497-2697
Email: koellrios@live.com
JH Speed Event –
Chancie Roberts
2499 Lakeside Drive
Las Cruces, NM 88007
Phone: (575) 640-9292
Email: chanciem@hotmail.com
State Secretary & Rodeo Secretary – Kassandra Buras
1668 S RR 3
Portales, NM 88130
Phone: 575-714-3835
Email: nmhsra@gmail.com
High School Event Directors
Tiedown – Marty Mathis
131 Hayden Rd.
Amistad, NM 88410
Phone: 575-914-8402
Email: martymathis1216@yahoo.com
Steer Wrestling – Troy Stone
219 Stone Road
Capitan, NM 88316
Phone: 575-686-0533
Email: troyleestone@gmail.com
Barrels – Koell Rios
P.O. Box 2790
Moriarty, NM 87035
Phone: 915-497-2697
Email: koellrios@live.com
Breakaway – G.T. Nunn
PO Box 35
Bosque, NM 87006
Phone: (505) 350-9775
Email: gtnunn@aol.com
Poles – David Cain
HC 75 Box 61
Mountainair, NM 87036
Phone: 505-506-1144
Email: caincattle@gmail.com
Goat Tying – Tanner Trujillo
P.O. Box 513
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone: 505.500.7596
Email: lennihartley@hotmail.com
Team Roping – Kyle Segura
#1 White Lakes Road
Stanley, NM 87056
Phone: 505- 615-1126
Email: leonaseg@gmail.com
Reined Cow Horse – Audra Powell
P.O. Box 343
Mesilla Park, NM 88047
Phone: 575-644-8970
Email: audds64@hotmail.com
Light Rifle – Trey Tixier
P.O. Box 21
Lindrith, NM 87029
Phone: 505-793-3794
Email: ttixier@crownquest.com
Trap Shooting – Travis Lightfoot
P.O. Box 133
Corona, NM 88318
Phone: 575-760-4891
Email: travlight99@yahoo.com
Cutting – Joel Carson
2994 Yeso Road
Roswell, NM 88201
Phone: 432-934-6934
Email: joel@carsonryan.com
Bull Riding – Adam Gonzales
12 Buie Court
Edgewood, NM 87015
Phone: 505-385-1594
Email: no2rope@gmail.com
Saddle Bronc & Bareback Riding - Brian Osborn
19566 Dunlap Road
Fort Sumner, NM 88119
Phone: 575-799-7350
Email: brianosborn71@yahoo.com
Queen Coordinator – Sunni Osborn
19566 Dunlap Road
Fort Sumner, NM 88119
Phone: 575-799-7351
Email: sunniflower2001@yahoo.com
Student Officers & Directors
2024 - 2025 Season
Vice President:
Barrel Racing: Tate White
Breakaway: Gunnar Tipton
Bull Riding: Noah Gonzales
Girls & Boys Cutting: Caydence Roberts
Goat Tying: Stetson Trujillo
Pole Bending: Kayden Sherburne
Saddle Bronc & Bareback: Ace Varela
Steer Wrestling: Rody Mack
Team Roping: Clayton Boyd
Tie Down: Dakota Jones
Reined Cow Horse: Ellie Powell
Light Rifle:
Trap Shooting:
Banner Schedule
Remember all student event directors are required to carry a flag in the grand entry. You are also required to hang sponsorship banners in the arena on Friday evening before the rodeo. You will receive a text designating the time.
You are responsible for your event. You MUST be in the arena for your event at every performance! You should be available to contestants if a problem arises in your event, and be prepared to be an advocate for the contestant when consulting with the adult director. KNOW YOUR RULE BOOK FOR YOUR EVENT. If you are unable to attend a rodeo, assign someone to replace you. You must inform the adult president and event director concerning your replacement.
Attend all general membership meetings called by Student president.
Take down and set up all arena banners provided by the adult BOD during all rodeos.
Be prepared to help student officers with all fund raisers, community service, and general membership activities. Help officers decorate and plan for cowboy prom.
Each student director is required to acquire a minimum of a $100.00 donation due to State Secretary before the end of the first semester is completed.